How Wunderkind Integrates With Mailchimp
The Mailchimp integration with Wunderkind will enable us to collect and send new email addresses to your Mailchimp, verify subscription status before sending an email, and update a user’s subscriber status if they unsubscribe.
This guide includes an overview of everything that Wunderkind can and cannot support, considerations, requirements placed on us by Mailchimp, and more.
Wunderkind requires UI access to Mailchimp in order to build and test our integration with your Mailchimp instance.
Table of Contents:
- Authentication
- Writing New Subscribers
- Checking Customer Status
- Checking Mailability
- Updating Unsubscribe Status
- Sender Options
- URL Appending
- Important Callouts
1. Authentication
We use a Private API Key in the header of the API call. Specifically, we’ll require a Mailchimp Data Center, which we append to the Private API Key in the header of our API calls as well as include in the URL path for our API calls. The Data Center can be found as part of your account URL. For example, if the URL is then the Mailchimp Data Center is us6.
2. Writing New Subscribers
Upon email submission, Wunderkind will write new subscribers to Mailchimp through the API call below.
We can write new subscribers in the following ways:
- Adding a new subscriber to a list
- A list ID is required.
- We cannot add subscribers “globally.”
- Optionally include categories and interests for further email segmentation.
- These must already exist on the list for us to add contacts to them.
- Optionally include additional properties (eg “name”).
- Optionally set a “double_opt_in” requirement.
- If set to “true”, the email will be inserted with a status of “pending”. If “false” the email will be inserted with a status of “subscribed”.
Wunderkind will perform a duplicate check to ensure we are not attempting to create a record for an already-existing subscriber. This is a list-specific check which is done by submitting a request with the email address and list ID and checks to see if an email address is returned.
API Calls for Writing New Subscribers
PUT /3.0/lists/{list_id}/members/{md5_hashed_email} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {ApiKey-mailchimp_dc}
Body - without Interest Categories of Properties
Body - with Interest Categories of Properties
email_address: “”,
status: "subscribed",
merge_fields: {
FNAME: "John",
SOURCE: “wknd”
Interests: {
“Sales & Promos”: true
3. Checking Customer Status
We have several methods for checking a user’s customer status in Mailchimp:
- Checking the number of orders on a member’s list-specific profile
- Checking for a customer on a “store_id” and matching required values
- Checking for presence on a specific list and/or for required values to match
Method 1:
If a profile is found on the specified list and has more than 0 orders in the “number_of_orders” field, they are considered a customer.
Method 2:
If an ecommerce store has been connected to a Mailchimp account, we can look for a customer by querying their email address on the specific “store_id.” If a member is found and has properties matching the required values specified, they will be considered a customer.
Method 3:
Without required values: If a profile is found on the specified list, they will be considered a customer.
With required values: If a profile is found on the specified list AND has properties matching the specified values, they will be considered a customer.
API Calls for Checking Customer Status
Method 1
GET /3.0/ecommerce/stores/{storeId}/customers?email_address={email} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {ApiKey-mailchimp_dc}
Method 2
GET /3.0/lists/{list_id}/members/{md5_hashed_email} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {ApiKey-mailchimp_dc}
Method 3
GET /3.0/search-members/?query={query_encoded_eail}&list_id={listId} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {ApiKey-mailchimp_dc}
4. Checking Mailability
How we check for a user’s mailable status in two ways:
- Checking a member's list-specific “status” property
- Checking a member's list-specific membership or “merge field” properties
Standard: Status Property Check
If a member profile is found on the specified list:
- If the “status” property has a value of “unsubscribed” we consider them NOT mailable.
- If the “status” property has any other value we consider them mailable.
If a member profile is not found on the specified list:
- Unless told otherwise, we default to an opt-out check and the member will be considered mailable. If an opt-in check is requested, the member will be considered NOT mailable.
Non-Standard: Opt-In Check via List Membership
We can run a custom mailability check based on a member's list membership (eg if a member is ON a list, consider them NOT mailable). There are two ways to considered a contact a list-member:
- Status Property: If a member is found on the list and the “status” property has a value of “subscribed” they are considered a list-member.
- Merge Fields: If a member is found on the list and has Merge Fields matching specified criteria (eg POSTCODE equals 12345) they are considered a list-member.
API Calls for Checking Mailability
GET /3.0/lists/{list_id}/members/{md5_hashed_email} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {ApiKey-mailchimp_dc}
Example Response (shortened)
"id": "098ab8765def432ghijkl1234567mnop",
"email_address": “",
"unique_email_id": "abcdefg1234567",
"web_id": 12345678,
"email_type": "html",
"status": "subscribed",
"merge_fields": {
"FNAME": "John",
"LNAME": "Smith",
"POSTCODE": "12345",
"stats": {...
5. Updating Unsubscribe Status
The method in which we mark a member as not mailable corresponds to our standard “status” property mailability check:
- We update a member’s list-specific “status” property to “unsubscribed”.
- If a member does not already exist on the specified list, we will create a new record on the list with a status of “unsubscribed”. This is done via the “status_if_new” field in our API request.
Our integration cannot currently update Merge Fields with dynamic data when unsubscribing.
API Calls for Updating Unsubscribe Status
PUT /3.0/lists/{list_id}/members/{md5_hashed_email} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {ApiKey-mailchimp_dc}
Example Response (shortened)
6. Sender Options
Wunderkind Sender
With the Wunderkind Sender, we’ll deploy Wunderkind emails through our own ESP. We do not have the ability to send additional data to Mailchimp at time of send.
7. URL Appending
URL Appending is one of Wunderkind’s most impactful identification methods. It allows us to identify users returning to your site from marketing messages (non-WKND marketing emails). It is a reverse lookup that we're able to do using a key (unique identifier) that maps to a plaintext email address and appended to all clickout email links.
We use a Unique Email ID (the “unique_email_id” property on a member’s profile) that is passed to us and link it to its corresponding plaintext email address. Our integration will look to reconcile the Unique Email ID with the value of the “email_address” field.
Within Mailchimp, please make sure the unique email ID value (sometimes referred to as the Mailchimp Subscriber ID, or “mc_eid”, within Mailchimp) is appended to all emails.
API Calls for URL Appending
Request 1 - Retrieves the list_id of the campaign sent
GET /3.0/campaigns/{campaign_id} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {ApiKey-mailchimp_dc}
Request 2 - Uses the list_id retrieved along with the unique_email_id to get the list-specific member
GET /3.0/lists/{list_id}/members?unique_email_id={unique_email_id} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {ApiKey-mailchimp_dc}
8. Important Callouts
- Our integration requires the Mailchimp Data Center value in order to make API requests (see: Authentication)
- Our integration requires a list_id for each request, as all of our member checks / updates are list-specific.
- We can only update a member’s “status” property when unsubscribing (see: Updating Unsubscribe Status)
- If a user does not exist in the ESP when unsubscribing, we create a new user within Mailchimp on the specified list. They will be marked as “unsubscribed” on the list and from Wunderkind emails moving forward.