Edit Copy
- Layout Copy: You can edit the copy by clicking directly on any text component in the preview editor and typing into the field.
- Smart Fields: If you have smart fields set up, you can reference them in your copy by typing any variable name. Go on to brand kit and check if you have smart fields set up. Copying this variable name and using it in your fields will display the value assigned to the variable in the preview.
- Subject Line & Preview Text: Not only can you update copy within your layout, you can also attach a subject line and preview text to each layout. Here you can also use Smart Fields by typing in the Smart Field name, starting with a dollar sign.
- Variants: Click into "Variant A" next to the Layout name to add a variant. This will create a duplicate of your layout where you can create different subject line and preview texts to A/B Test. Variants will be tied to the same design layout, but vary only in copy. Clicking into variant again, you'll be able to toggle between both of these variations of copy.
- Remove Copy: If you don't need a text component, you can always delete it in the left panel.
Edit Images
- Start By Uploading Assets
- Go to Brand Kit > Assets & Logos
- Upload the asset that you want to use, or you can even drag and drop in bulk.
- Update Images Across Multiple Layouts
- Go to Blocks > find the Block you want to edit.
- In the Left Panel, click into the image component of the Block.
- The Right Panel will display an option to change the source.
- Click Change to open up a 'Browse Images' modal displaying options from your Assets & Layouts.
- After clicking Save, hit Publish, so that any Layouts using this Block will reflect the image update.
- Add An Image Into A Layout
- Click the (+) button on the Left Panel in the 'Add A Block' modal
- Click on the Messaging Secondary > Image(Table) Block to add it to your Layout.
- To change the placement of a Block within the Layout, simply click and drag on the block name in the left navigation to your desired placement.
- Clicking into the image block will populate options in the right panel to change the source.
- You can either choose from a previously uploaded image or upload an image from your desktop. Uploading an image here will automatically add it to your brand kit.
- Edit Imagery in Existing Blocks & Layouts
- You can click into any block that has an image to edit it the exact same way to alter the structure and appearance of a layout.
Edit Style & Structure
You can add, swap, delete and reorder blocks within Layouts.
- To Add:
- Click on the (+) button and the 'Add A Block' modal will appear.
- Find the Block you want
- It'll populate in the Left Panel all the way down the list.
- From here, you can drag it to your desired placement.
- To Swap, Duplicate, Delete or Hide Blocks Within A Layout:
- While hovering over the Block name in the Left Panel, three dots appear to its right.
- Clicking on this menu will give you options such as Swap, Duplicate, Hide or Delete.
- Swapping a Block will replace the block entirely with the one you picked.
- When duplicating you will see the new block appear directly below the original block.
- When hiding a block in the same menu, you will see the title gets grayed out in the left panel.
Reserve hiding blocks for blocks that you may want to display in the layout again at a later time, or to preview a layout without its placeholder content.