Let’s look closer into each of Studio’s three main features.
Brand Kit
The Brand Kit is the central repository of your brand identity. Think of this as the source of truth that will make sure any assets you create align with your brand's guidelines and preferences. The Brand Kit uses variables so that as your brand evolves and your number of campaigns scale, applying changes “everywhere” is easy.
In Brand Kit, you will see a menu of categories.
- The Assets & Logos page is a repository for all your brand’s imagery, icon, and logos. You can add, delete and rename your assets.
- In the Color & Styles page, you interpret your brand’s colors & components into variables that will later be referenced by blocks & layouts.
- In Typography, you can load your brand’s fonts and define font styles, size, spacing & color across a typographic scale.
- Smart Fields turn recurring content into variables for easy updates down the line.
- In Product Catalog, we populate placeholder items from your feed. While this is for design purposes only, they’ll behave exactly as dynamic product items will when a customer receives an email. You won’t need to worry about Product Catalog or Go Variables! Wunderkinds will take care of these for you.
You also won’t need to update your Brand Kit unless your branding changes in future. Day-to-day, you will use Brand Kit mostly to upload new assets, and change offers or promo banners in Smart Fields.
Blocks are modular design elements that can be customized and reused across multiple layouts. We’re continually expanding available options in the Block library, but for any outstanding needs, you can enquire about Custom Blocks that a Wunderkind engineer can set up for you. Content that should always remain consistent across your entire suite of emails, such as Logos & Footers benefit greatly from this feature.
Here you’ll see every type of block to fit the anatomy of an email layout. Clicking into each category, you can style different design variations for each block.
If you’re looking to change an image across a suite of emails, or the background color across all your email Heroes, you can make those edits here in Blocks so you can then publish changes across all Layouts at once.
Layouts refer to the individual email designs that correspond to each of your campaigns. Any edits at this stage should be reserved for content that varies between each email sent.
The main view shows a list of all existing Layouts, with options such as viewing when a Layout was last edited, preview its visual design, download or test-send a layout, or click into any individual Layout to edit. In the Editor, you can swap, add, delete, and reorder Blocks, as well as make Layout-level edits to copy and imagery as needed.
All your Layouts in Studio correspond to live Wunderkind emails. This means that when publishing from Studio you’ll change live emails instantly. You’ll likely use Layouts the most on a day-to-day basis. From here, you’ll review the design of your Wunderkind emails, and make changes such as optimizing a subject line, changing copy within the layout, or even updating imagery to keep your email designs fresh.
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